Delicate, intense, cinematic, Jordane Tumarinson’s neoclassical instrumental music can be qualified by many adjectives. However, if we were to find its roots, we’d have to look more towards care, generosity and freedom.
Jordane Tumarinson inherited his artistic sensibility from his father, a photographer, and his great grandmother, a pianist and opera singer. However, it wasn’t until the age of 19, lost in the meanders of an economics degree that oppressed and bored him, that he finally sat down at the family piano and discovered his true talent. Immediately, he realized that music could not be learned from books or music theory lessons, but by listening and feeling. Quickly, he started to play by ear the tunes of his favorite bands, from Pink Floyd to Radiohead, and later on went on to cover classics by Chopin, Beethoven and Schubert.
Caught up by his obligations, and encouraged by the example of a physiotherapist brother, Jordane Tumarinson began studying osteopathy a few years later. Caring for others was the primary driving force behind this choice, which led him to abandon the piano for many years. However, while his sensitivity to others only grew stronger with time, the daily practice of his profession weighed heavily on his mental health. With the weight of too many expectations on himself, and pressure built up over the years, his anxiety disorder developed and worsened, culminating in a state of depression whose outcome seemed vague and distant.
Overwhelmed by despair, Jordane Tumarinson returns to the abandoned path of music out of vital instinct. Melodies escape from his head and vibrate under his fingers, guided by an intuitive and abundant inspiration. Far from the covers of his younger days, these are original compositions that wash over across the keys with an unstoppable flow, releasing on their way the emotions long held back. Through his playing and creativity, Jordane Tumarinson’s mind gradually heals, his anxieties settle on the piano and the frenetic rhythm of his thoughts finally slows down. More than the revival of an abandoned passion, it’s a profound and lasting change in his life.
Jordane Tumarinson has forgotten nothing about caring for others, and if his compositions heal him, perhaps they can find other ears in pain elsewhere. However, anxiety remains the constant companion of his life, so it is impossible to carry them live and play them on stage. As a consequence, in 2018, he decides to share his tracks on all streaming platforms. With no communication or entourage, his compositions, sometimes dreamlike, sometimes rhythmic, are met with a dazzling interest, carried by the power of digital, that allows them to find an international audience. Finally, in 2019, MorphĂ©e was born, a true digital success now exceeding 12 million streams, and L’Envol, the album that paved the way towards European labels and definitively sealed Jordane Tumarinson’s change of life, with over 80 million streams to its name.
Hypersensitive and prolific, Jordane Tumarinson has been composing ever since he took up the piano again. His need to process emotions through the notes, to surprise his listeners with unsuspected passions, to craft the good and the beautiful from the negative, are the driving forces behind his inexhaustible creativity. Sailing freely between neoclassical and romantic contemporary music, his influences are extremely varied and reflect his aversion to stifling predefined boxes. In life as in art, Jordane Tumarinson doesn’t obey pre-established logics; he’s an explorer, guided only by the compass of his sensibility. Proof of this is his project “Hoams”, created in 2023, which blends classical, rock and soul influences, and in which vocals freely blend with classical and electronic instruments.
Now supported by the well-known independent label NaĂŻve Records and publisher Wise Music, Jordane Tumarinson is about to unveil his most personal project, Ocean, which retraces his story, track by track, as if along the water: that of a castaway and his quest for a stable and fertile archipelago.